This program takes you not only on an outer journey of focusing on your diet and exercise, but it adds a crucial deeper investigative part that can not be neglected, the inner journey. You may wonder why you have tried tons of diets and mind-body exercise programs and have ended up with only temporary results. The reason why is the inner journey of mastering the mind-body-spirit connection was put on the back burner in not prioritized.
With 30 years of investigative research in the areas of psychology, spirituality, healing, change, self development and more, I have come to know that the way to true happiness, success and attaining goals comes from nourishing oneself holitically. Taking care of one’s balanced health in mind, body, spirit, emotions and environment/social relationships creates a connection to a supercharged energy state. The key is knowing how to take care of one’s spirit. Doing this activates an abundant winner’s mindset, a strong vital body, energized spirit, calm balanced emotions, invigorated spirit and healthy relationships.
To start on the journey of the winner mindset you must engage in daily habits of “positizing” your mind. To fuel your inner fire with hope and motivation get the book that will transform your mindset to an optimistic one.
Brilliant U : 19 Inspirational Tips For Creating The Life You Want.
The time is now to create the you and the life that you have always wanted. You can and you will with the right team behind you!
Working with clients for over 15 years and seeing the amazing transformations that have occurred in their lives has been truly satisfying! What every client has that I have ever worked with that found success on their weight loss and wellness journey is a burning desire to change, an open mind to new and different ways of thinking, and a willingness to keep trying different things until they find what works for them. These clients came to understand from my program that to find the ultimate success in their weight loss journey they needed to learn how to master their mind first then everything else will fall into place accordingly.
The program will guide you on why it is important to focus on your inner journey and develop a strong spiritual practice. How you feel is as important or more important than how you look. We go deeper into examining the connection between your mind and how it influences how you feel and your passion levels and your choices you make. We look at holsitic wellness and how it creates a necessary stable, resilient foundation from which to operate from.
Together we will look at your thinking, spiritual health, peace of mind, calm in the body, alignment with one’s higher power for support, authenticity and much more that you need to be at your top tier you! Where you are shining bright like a diamond. You will attain your goals with Star Zuwala, MA as your coach. She has assisted her clients in learning how to be victorious over all obstacles in their way of achieving their goals.
Real lasting change comes from a shift or development occurring on the inside that brings about new thoughts and behaviors. That new awareness will be yours that will bring about a fresh change.
Contact Coach Star today and inquire about radiant wellness & weight loss coaching sessions and the 6 week Total Transformation Program.
Book a free 30 minute weight loss or radiant wellness consultation now with coach Star and start on the greatest transformational journey of your life. Lose the weight for good! You can, it is possible!
You can start training your brain to get clear on what you want and to figure out what might be holding your back from what you want. The journey within is the missing piece of the winning formula. Coach Star at Brilliant U Life Coach has that winning formula and is sharing it with you.
- Get a workbook or a lined journal and start making observations of your thoughts and intentions.
- Gorgeous journals available for purchase
- https://www.etsy.com/listing/1673560058/
- https://www.etsy.com/listing/1631173152/
- Write down three pervasive thoughts from the day.
- Write down three sayings that you resonate with of what you want more of in your life.
- Write down three positive affirmations that fire you up and get you feeling good.
- Write down three things you would like to change.
- Write down three things that you are good at.
Brilliant U Life Coach power quote of the month:
“To be happy, drop the words “if only” and substitute instead the words “next time”.
Smiley Blanton