161028118 © David Burke | Dreamstime.com

HELLO RADDIES! Welcome to your greatness!

Dearest Raddies (you strong HEARTFUL forces to be recokned with – who are nothing less than RAD! ),

Supernovas full of vivaciousness and unapologeticness making a ifference in the world everyday.  You spread the love, the uplfitment, the exuberance of joy and purpose and you give to better your environemnt.  You don’t just sit there and complain of the grimness of life- you seek solutions!  You say to yourself, “what can I do about it?! I will be the change. I will be the positive motivational influcence on everyone I meet. You know that in order to be at this high frequency and dynamic level you have to be fully connected to yourself and your higher power.  You have to be plugged into the source of abundance  inside of you.  If you are still figuring out how to master your mind to create haroney and total wellness in you that’s ok!  You are here. You want it.  You are putting out the effort to figure it out!  The puzzle of the HOW to do it! You want that information to unlock your brilliance and potential to be you were born to be.  A vital force for beautifying, nurturing your environments you go into, and contributing soemthing of value!

In order to make that happen, it is a realization that it is an inside job which permeates outward. There is no other way than being 💯 who you want to be in this life to make that difference!  It takes big courage to be who you have always desired to be, that version of you that you can’t stop dreaming and thinking about!

I will give you a hint.  It is found in your heart.  Gratefulness for this incredible life that you have been blessed with and what you are wanting to do with it! Loving who you are, what your purpose is, what you passions are AND the relationships that you have with others.  The quality of your life means everyhting.  How does your life feel rather than how it looks.

Are you happy?  Are you stuck in some outdated conditioning of that material wealth is all that is important?  It is important in the dgree of assisting you to do good things in the world.  To give you the out of “surviving” mentality and into the thriving mentality where you have something to give.  I lived in the surviving state of being. I know what it is like.  I kept praying everyday for years for the Lord to help me out of a lack, fearful mindest.  Then I met my husband and he taught me to go in faith with the Lord.  Thank him ahead of time for the blessings that he has not even given me yet.  In total faith that he is taking care of me. That I am headed to my highest good and I can relax into being in the moment.  That was a game changer.

Enjoying this moment.  Working towards what the desired goal is at the moment.  Helping others. Giving what you can to help the less fortunate who are suffering. Your heart and your positive outlook and attitude is what you have as your calling card in life.  People remember how you make and made them feel.  Bring a smile, share the bright light inside of you.

To maintain that light on a daily basis takes effort.   It takes focused TLC with yourself moment to moment.  I am bringing back my Brilliant U class on instagram just for this purpose.  It is now brought to you by the non-profit Flourish Center Hawaii.  This class is dedicated to enriching my community (which is all over the world) in the promoting of everything needed for your top tier wellness levels!  I will be reminding you how to strengthen resilience, empower, positize your mind, suggestions for excellent self care and body movement/dance/weights.

I am so excited for this! I got the idea the other day.  It popped into my head and heart.  And it was like “it is time to bring it back , but upgraded” to help restore my local community of Maui (after the devestaing wildfires of August 2023) but to all the communities that are in need of what I am providing.

Check out the instagram account for the free class this Thursday at 8:30am! We will spend time together enjoying this EPIC thing called life!  Link below.

Best to you and Be well my friends!



If you want to know more about the new non-profit organization:



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161028118 © David Burke | Dreamstime.com