Balance of head and heart


The real deal is that today is feeling heavy with emotion and so it is taking a bit of extra effort to keep focused on tasks at hand.  That is to be expected in times of extreme difficulty.  One can’t help but think of the beautiful souls who perished in our beloved community on Maui in the wildfires and also the survivors left behind.  We are still in shock.  It has impacted lives forever.  It is difficult to focus on work or anything other than what has taken place and plainly put, I cry at times through out the day thinking of it. How could you not?  The reality of it is grim.

As only one who had to evacuate from two fires close to our home, I try to keep moving forward even when my heart says”no”.  My head says “keep on going and try to find solutions and ways to support the community.”  It is a balance daily.  I try my hardest to be in awareness every moment and what I am giving life to.  Our thoughts have the power to bring things to life, so to speak. Staying positive and staying busy helps with a sense of buoyancy, like a life raft, to keep one’s head above water emotionally.

It is crucial to stay in balance for our overall health, so we can provide assistance to those who are in an extreme state of being right now of grieving.

Today’s blog is short because words can’t touch what our community is going through and sometimes silence is a way of honoring what is going on.  Holding the space, not ignoring, and not turning away.  We are with you every step of the way.
