Find Balance

THE SWEET SPOT ! Strength through balance.

Today’s blog will be short and sweet as it is my birthday week and it’s slammed with a whirlwind of lots going on.

A common theme lately when talking to clients is all about the VITAL importance of being in balance at all times.  Every moment is an awareness of “am out of balance in any area of my life” and doing what I can to get back into balance.  Why is it so important?  For boss babes, mover and shakers, and powerhouses you know that you are tackling an insane amount of “to do’s” everyday.  You also know that the only way to be “killing it” is to be in such great shape on every level in order to be on top of it all! So you are riding the wave with an attitude of “bring it on, I got this!”  Rather than “holy crap! No more! I can’t handle anything more!”

The chaos of life will never cease.  But focusing on what you can do to keep your core strong as steel every moment of the day can ensure you are riding the wave!

What is the first step to balance?  Take a moment out of the busy-ness and get quiet.  Breathe.  Be mindful.  Awareness is the key.  Asking yourself, “am I at peace or am I agitated or overwhelmed?”

What do I need right now? What can I do for myself? Some suggestions.

  • Tell yourself that you will get through anything.
  • Take that 15 minute time out.  Close your eyes. POWER DOWN!  REST!
  • Water
  • Good food with protein and veggies.
  • Massage your face.
  • Put pressure on your temples and release.
  • Rest if you can in a quiet area.
  • Take an oral spray “De-Stress” by WishGarden- helps to support your adrenals.
  • Close your eyes and spray your face with misting facial water

Onward and upward you megawatt ladies!

Much love!
